Thursday, November 30, 2006

These have been two busy days! Yesterday I did two rounds of interviews for an advertising/tech position and met with Jack's financial advisor. I'm rolling my previous retirement accounts into a personal IRA that I can manage from here.

Didn't here back from the company I applied to yesterday but I did attack the kitchen and just about have it done. There were canned goods that had expiration dates in 1992 in the cubboards! Jack was great about just dumping everything out. We purchased an additional pantry unit and I moved all the food in to the pantries where I can see what we have and have used the kitchen cupboard space for all the dishes, bowls, and kitchen gadgets that we have! I've emptied all my kitchen boxes and we have created several boxes of kitchen stuff to go to my youngest son Mike when he gets ready to move into his own place.

The realtor showed my house a couple times but hasn't had any offers yet. Two weeks on the market is two weeks off the 90 days they predict it will take to sell.

I beat so am going to sign off with wishes that everyone is enjoying the holiday season!


Diane said...

It's just so easy to let that stuff find it's way to the back and forget it!!

Good luck on your housecleaning. Did you try my suggestion on the pictures?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are getting things in order! I need to go through and do that in my house again, just haven't felt like doing it lately. Hope something comes of all your interviews!