Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Michelle and I went from Camp Hosting in a high altitude coniferous forest next to the swiftly moving waters of the Upper Rogue River and numberous waterfalls to the lower, dryer area next to the still lake waters of Willow Lake below Mount McLoughlin within the month of June!
We went from leasurely strolls along the shaded half mile streach along the Rogue River pulling a little green garden cart with all our cleaning supplies and paper work to having a work uniform, a golf cart to zip around the campground in and a work routine that has us up early in the morning to get our rounds done before the campers are up and wanting to use the beach, bathrooms and day use areas!
The 4th of July every one of the campsites were rented and there were hundreds of people to keep up with and clean up after so we were pretty exhusted by July 6th when the resort cleared out. My friends Caron and Steve came up and spent the weekend here. Caron cooked Michelle and I breakfast and Steve cooked dinner each day for all of us. Michelle and I often just skip dinner... neither one of us is really in to cooking.
Jack and Mr. Mike went to Nancy and Ed's for hamburger's for the 4th and had a good time out there. I heard that he was asking around to see if anyone had seen his wife lately....I'm getting the reputation of being a gypsy amoung Jack's friends. But we will be wandering the highways together this winter and spending months in Florida!
Hope everyone had a great 4th of July and is getting settled into their summer routines!

1 comment:

Diane said...

How come my comments keep disappearing? That's just so not right! LOL