Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas is almost here! Jack asked this morning when we get to open presents! That's the first sign that he is getting excited about Christmas.

When we pulled out our seperate Christmas decorating stores we found we have many of the same types of ornaments and they all blended great on our tree. I have never seen the bubble lights that Jack has! They are really neat and add gentle movement to the lighting... not the strobe light action that triggers ecteleptic fits!

We're ready! All our packages have been sent. We've received presents from Florida (that's when Jack got curious about when we open presents.) and our little presents to each other are wrapped and under the tree.

Our BIG present to each other is a double recliner/rocker that was delivered last week! It has the central position in the family room where we can snuggle. If I watch a TV show, Jack watches a few minutes of TV, reads awhile, and naps. If Jack is "surfing" the 100's of TV channels as he calls watching TV, I read, work on my laptop, or watch the 45 seconds of each show as they flip by like a slideshow. We're togeather all the while! I love it.

I will start cooking tomorrow for the Christmas lunch we are having Dad over for. We have been invited to a big dinner at Pat's house and for dessert at Mark and Rebecca's. We will be eating ALL day. Good thing we finnished our YMCA radical body makeover last Wednesday!

I lost some body fat (about 7 pounds) but not any on the scales! Muscle weighs more than fat! So they say. Jack's results were simular. Our goal is to be in shape for scuba diving and we are headed in that direction. I am running this afternoon with Signe to keep up the cardio workouts and hopefully loose a few pounds before February 2nd!

Merry Christmas to all of you. Love what you do with the day!

Monday, December 18, 2006

The days go by quicker since I have no set schedule! Jack and I fill every day and are exhusted and in bed by 8 pm! We get up and go to excersize class at 5 am and seem to be going all day from then on.

Today I went for a 2nd interview for a customer service job in an insurance agency at 8:30 am and was there until 10. Jack's brother and his children came to Klamath Falls and we joined them at their Dad's and then went to lunch at the Airport. We are all admirers of a Good Hamburger! It was good to get to meet Jack's nephew and his wife who live in Arizona and to see his niece Kim again. It was a quick visit for them... the challenge being to get back over the passes before dark.

Jack and I went from lunch to the Passport office in our local post office and got my application sent off! We are going to the little fishing villiage in Mexico that I went to in 2001! I'll get the spelling and then tell you where it is! Z something. We made the reservations at Casa Elvira today and will confirm the flight reservations tomorrow for February 2 to the 12th! Whaahooo!

On this very productive day I have also uploaded the wedding pictures to Flickr!

Busy Monday! :-)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Here are some pictures of the new china hutch! It's filled with the remainder of Mom's Nortaki china and the pretty pieces I've collected over the years. The picture of the poppies on the wall next to the hutch was painted by Jack's Mom. And the flowers on the table are from our wedding night! They are staying wonderfully. All together the dinning room is looking very good, I think.
The job that looked so promising was offered to another so I am back to filling out applications and printing up resume's.
The holiday shopping is DONE! Yeah! Just have to wrap what we got. Brett did get his christmas package before Christmas! That is neat. We're thinking we'll make a trip up north to get the rest of the family their goodies.
Hope the holidays are going well for the rest of you all! Happy Holidays!
Jack and I made our first big purchase yesterday and I spent the biggest part of the day washing my pretties and putting them in it! It's a bueatiful china hutch! More boxes got emptied with this addition! I've spent this morning taking pictures of the house before I make to many more changes! Got to have the "Before" pictures!

I'm off to a woman's meeting.