Sunday, February 24, 2008

That was our first day Fun Day at Sea. A day in the warm sun with nothing to do all day but lay around, eat, swim, test out the water slide and watch the activities on the Lido Deck!

The sea bands worked... mostly. Walking through the casino Sunday afternoon I got a sudden view of the ocean and it rocked me for a bit so I avoided the windows for a while. Other than that I seemed to get my sea legs and was able to enjoy the day.

Sunday was "Formal Night" and Jack rented a tuxedo! I have to scan the picture of us taken by the ships photographer.

We got back to Klamath Falls last Sunday evening but it wasn't until today that I spent any time sorting pictures out or really doing anything besides sleeping!

Seasickness wasn't a problem but by Tuesday evening -the third day of the cruise -I had a terrible headache and a very sore throat. Wednesday morning I was in the infirmary with a temperature of 103. Ampicillian, lots of fluids, and bed rest were all the Dr. could be do for the virus I'd come down with. So the best part of the cruise, for me, were the first few days. We have some great pictures and some stories that I'll share when I'm well. For now I just wanted to let everyone know we are back in the USA.

This past Monday the only thing I did was go to the doctor and get another round of antibiotics and a cough surup that did stop the coughing - and knocks me out. I made it through Wednesday and Thursday at work but Friday I was laid low again with coughing, fever and general hurting. Saturday and today I've remained inside and resting. I'm hoping tomorrow to be able to start out the work week right.

This is the whole post for now - goood night!

Monday, February 04, 2008

This is the same patio. I thought we had some snow right after Christmas but it has kept snowing and none of it is melting! This is the patio a few days ago!

I went out and finally got the snapshot of my snowbirds when they were knee deep in the real snow!But it has continued to snow and now they are almost buried!

Jack has been vigilant about keeping our driveway and sidewalks cleared (it's a law here that homeowneres have to have them cleared by 8 am). The mound of snow in our front yard won't be gone until JUNE!

When I got home from work today the three feet of snow that was on the roof now surrounds the house. Jack and his friend Steve got up there and knocked it all off.

Todays newpaper headlines were of three large buildings in downtown Klamath Falls that had their roofs cave in due to the weight of the snow on them. The Pine Street Safeway was evacuated and remains so tonight. The employees noticed the back loading doors bowing and strange noises were being heard. Nobody is taking chances right now!

Is there any doubt that we are ready for the Carribean?

It was wonderful to participate in a women's sweat this past Sunday. The snow was deep enough I wore my snowshoes to get there! It was very special to come out of the sweat lodge and be standing bare foot in the snow - steaming!

Life is so full of good experiences! I hope you are all enjoying what life has to offer you! One of my favorite sayings is "What I do today is important because I am choosing one day of my life to do it."