Getting settled in! The computer armourer came today so this evening I've been able to put the computer in it and get the office roughly set up. Emptied all the boxes that were in it at any rate. Next I'll attack the boxes in the garage!
I've got curtains up in the Master bedroom and am slowly working on the other two bedrooms.
But when Friday came Jack and I hit the Highway for Lakeview, Oregon as soon as I got off work for a weekend of digging for sunstones with Gary and Susie Rea and their friends, Patti and Wayne.
They'd heard about it on the travel channel and asked if we'd like to join them when they went. At the time we didn't know we would have just moved in but we said we'd go and we are glad we did! It's hard to explain how much fun it can be digging around in the dirt with a bunch of other rock hounds - it just is. We all had a great time and found enough sunstones to make us all happy.
Patti and I even took a turn in "the Pit" after lunch. There are several sunstone mining operations in the area and the four of them had visited a different one the day before. Dust Busters Mine is the place to go - in comparison to the other. The place looks rough but they have a big shade awning and tables that you are welcome to have your lunch at and you only pay for the stones that have gem value. For Jack and I that was 4 stones....the rest were free. We have a baggie full of "clears" that we'll but through the rock tumbler - when we uncover it! The good ones we're going to look into making into a necklace for me.
Just spending the weekend away from boxes would have been good enough but getting to spend some time getting to know Susie and Gary better was really great. I thoroughly enjoyed the dirt, the good dinner afterward, and pouring over our booty later!
Mike enjoyed the day from underneath this converted school bus. Kind of reminded me of Mad Max ... the whole movie could have been filmed in the area! Not all of the digging areas are pits... it's just where we choose to "mine for the day" - looked like fresh ground! We can't wait to go again...we learned a lot about where to dig, etc...anyone want to go?