Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wedding Weekend!

Was a whirlwind! Brett got in Wednesday evening and I had an American dinner of B-BQ Country Spare-ribs, corn on the cob, and Ceasar Salad ready for them when he and Jack got in. Dad also was here from Arizona! After dinner we unpacked a mystery box from Florida! It was full of fun stuff! Thank you Sis! I am the proud owner of the ONLY singing, dancing pink flamingo in Klamath Falls! Jack is getting a real introduction to the family!

I worked Thursday which gave Brett a day to visit friends in Grants Pass until it was time to pick up Chisato from the Medford Airport very late (or rather early Friday morning). They arrived at the house about the time Jack and I were getting up. While they caught some ZZ's Jack and I ran about getting things to finish up the wedding cake decorations.

I'd about finished the cakes when Mom and Teri arrived. Chisato and and I where working on the second batch of icing. Within an hour we had the cake decorated with raspberries and spearment leaves and we were off to the Rogue Gorge! We picnic-ed outside Crater Lake National Park and then went on to the Gorge!

On the way back we went through Crater Lake and Mom, Teri, and Chisato got to see the Lake and we went through the restored Lodge! It was so breath taking we ended up having to rush back to the house to greet Caleb, Mike, and Oliver at 8 pm. Our "rehersal dinner" was speggetti and we had a house full! Mom, Teri, Signe and I then spent until Midnight making the table decorations! It was fun and everything turned out bueatiful - in the end!
Saturday at two o'clock we set to decorating the Pavillion. Four o'clock Signe and I rushed off to get dressed for the ceremony - at 5:30. We were a tad late (an extra song length) but we were pretty!

Everything except the weather was absolutally wonderful. We had grey skies and sprinkles during the ceremony and a wind blew most of the time. Everyone was bundled up by the end of dinner! I didn't feel particularly cold but did don a shawl on by cake cutting time!
There will be pictures posted on Flickr later this week... but for now know that we all enjoyed the day! We meant to have the singing Flamingo as a greeter but he was forgotten at the house in the final rush! Got to go to bed now. Tommorrow is a work day again.


Diane said...

Looks like everyone had a good time - even with overcast weather. At least, it kept things from dragging out to long!!

Glad the Flamingo was a hit - S'te thought I was nuts when I added it to the package!! I was sure it would be rather unique!!! LOL At least for that area!

Anonymous said...

Glad you liked your box of stuff! We had fun shopping and putting it together.

Looks like you had a beautiful ceremony with lots of family and friends. Sorry I couldn't be there