Monday, August 25, 2008

Things are getting better every day!

I actually got up, showered, dressed and put makeup on yesterday! We went to breakfast and in the afternoon we went to a fund raiser for the new Klamath Falls Humane Society building. Sitting in air conditioning and listening to local musicans for 1 1/2 hours required a two hour nap when we got home but Hey! we went out of the house!

Our house guest, of the last 4 months, made the final move to her new apartment this morning! I will miss the talks we shared, between commercials and Jack and I's trips, but it is good for everyone to have their own space! Cyntzi has had a heck of a year and I'm hoping this is the begining of the upswing for her! Watching her deal with the medical issues as they've been diagnosed has given me a renewed determination to do all that I can... while I can! Cyntzi is only 5 years older than I and she didn't expect things to unravel as they have in 5 years!

Sunday is my 52nd birthday! And today Jack arranged for my birthday present! Finally, after many years of thinking, talking, and intending to do it I am signed up to go down the Upper Klamath River on Saturday! Class 4+ for 7 miles! Wha whooo! (That is not the same as a Class 5- right, Mike?)

I'll be in a guided "big" raft... not my usual Aire Strike inflatable kayak... for this one for two reasons. One - I've been told the water AND rocks are way to wicked for an IK and two I'm not sure I am recovered enough to see my own self through any whitewater just yet. I'm not planning on "sluffing off" but if I run out of steam there will be 5 others in the raft that can help compensate! I've felt better every day since last Saturday so by this coming Saturday I am expecting to be ready!

Cyntzi has dubbed me the "unsinkable Molly Brown". I kinda like that!

I'll post Yucatan pictures soon! Love to all!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I just knew you wouldn't stay "down" for long!! Horray! Glad to hear that you are up and about... Good luck on Sunday. Love, SIS