Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's "Angels with Whiskers" and Green Tomatoe Relish days here!

Today was the second training class for Shiloh and Mike to become "Angels with Whiskers", therapy dogs! It is a local group of people that take their trained dogs to nursing homes, hospitals, libraries, and schools to allow those participants to pet the dogs which work the magic they do to calm and bring some happiness to those that touch them.

Shiloh and I got busted back to basic training. She is young and easily distracted. I am simply uncoordinated! Giving a command, correction, and serving up a treat at the same time is more than I seem to be able to do! Poor Shiloh - she ended up just confused! We get to go to an "extra" class Tuesday morning - a basic obedience class - to give us both a chance to get the hang of all the routines. Mike is just a doll and doesn't need the extra attention.

Last night the temperature dropped to 19 degrees here. Knowing the freeze was coming I spent Friday gathering all the green tomatoes off my plants. The haul was 12 quarts, or a peck and a half, of green tomatoes! Jack and I reviewed Green Tomatoe Relish, Chutney, Pickle and pickled tomatoe reciepies and choose an Uncooked Green Tomatoe Relish to use this wealth of green tomatoes in. We've chopped and diced for two days and now are ready to fill the mixture in pint jars come morning. I hope everyone we know likes Green Tomatoe Relish. We are thinking we'll require all vistors to take a pint with them when they go... otherwise I think 20 pints are going to last YEARS!

Life is full!

1 comment:

Diane said...

You two will get the hang of it so very soon! I have all the faith in the world in you! Even if Shiloh needs another year to mature - Mike is all ready to go! And, for the record, I'm not a fan of green tomato anything LOL