My life is ever-changing and unfolds in ways that continue to amaze me! This will be my journal of events as they occur in this second half of my life as Sharen Rea!
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The wonder of Zion Canyon is not limited to the athletic adventurers that hike the trails or climb the canyon walls! The Riverside Walk lends itself to those that love nature at a stroll. Zion National Park - The Riverside Walk
I think I'm the typical northwestern woman. I love the outdoors, enjoy physical activities and am committed to enjoying what I do each day because I have used one of the days of my life to do it! I know that my happiness is my own responsibility and mine alone. It can be increased by those around me but is not dependant on them. Most of my days are very happy!
We think Shiloh and Jaycup make a pretty couple...they are about the same size!
Here's Jaycup the bed bug! He puts himself to bed at a reasonable hour each night and isn't always ready to get up and get going when the rest of us are. He let us make the bed around him and stayed put until he was ready to go.
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