Thursday, September 21, 2006

Yesterday evening, about 5:30 pm, while I was studying in my room there was a huge crack outside and the window in my room filled with greenery! Running outside we were shocked to see that a third of the apple tree in the front yard had broken off the trunk and fallen in to the house and the power lines to the house! The tree is heavy with apples and the added weight from the rain that had been falling all day was too much. The split revealed that the entire trunk of the tree is rotten. The rest of the tree is likely to come down soon. The landlord came and viewed it with us as we waited for the power company to come and remove the tree from the power lines. The landlord said he will pay to have the rest of the tree cut down and it all removed. The power company dropped the lines and restrung them over the fallen portion and got the power back on. I am parking my car on the other side of the street until the tree is removed... the rest would come down right where I was parking if it falls.

Today was Job Fair day. 50 employers at the Forresty Center. I was required by WorkSource to go so I dressed to interview, printed 18 resumes and toured the tables. Only two had positions open in Network or IT departments and they wanted .Net developers. The good news is that is what we are working on in my programming class. Over all it was depressing. There were tons on people in suits looking for work... looking much more professional than me. And I'm assuming more qualified.

I went to a Noon meeting and then home to nap before this evenings class. Class went well and now I'm home in my cozyly made up room. I'm not feeling like I'm doing so well this day for some reason. Maybe just to tired. Seeing so many people looking for work was shocking. And I still haven't had any responses to the resumes I've sent out. One minute I think that is good - I am working hard at getting "caught up" with course work. Then I am sick that time is passing.

Tomorrow things may look different. I hope so.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Hey, hey, hey ! ! ! None of that STUFF. Do you realize that job fairs bring people out of the woodwork. Some aren't even looking, most are deadbeats (even if they LOOK good), and some companies have thier own employees mingle - so they don't have to hire if they don't want to!!

You are doing things the right way. Why get stuck in something that you outgrow as soon as you've taken a few more classes. Take all the time you can. You will find the right position!!! If nothing else, you can wait tables at HOJO's breakfast crowd while you find what you want (not that it would ever come to that),

Thank the Lord that you weren't just parking your car - or outside when the tree came down!! Look for the lining! You could be in a body cast looking for work hehehe....

Getting packed for another trip to SD. We will leave here about 4 in the am so it will definately be a long day. Booked 2 extra seats for kids - but will still be holding 2.

Keep that chin up!!! And who is Charlie???????????