Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's been a fruitful weekend. We brought home the last of what we wanted from Dad's house. The estate sales people are getting everything ready for a sale next weekend - if the weather permits!

I wrapped my fruit trees. We haven't seen the deer again but I want to be prepared ahead of time. It's a good thing I did that Saturday during a warm spell (40 degrees) because we had snow coming down sideways this afternoon and tonight. There is 5 inches of fresh snow on the ground right now. No telling what it'll be by tomorrow morning!

We've filled all the bird feeders for the hungry winged. We are seeing flickers, chicadee's, all kinds of finches, and sparrows at the feeders. Licorice loves watching the action from the various windows.

Jack and I got his clothes picked out and set aside for the cruise. I now have sea bands and meclizine tablets to combat sea sickness! Our dive logs have been located and put in the carry on...we're getting excited!

I've cooked twice this weekend! Dinner Saturday night and breakfast today! I didn't leave the house all day today. It was nice to just stay home!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Glad you are so ready-to-go!! I am still cleaning out closets for a trip to goodwill. I don't know how I accumulate so much - but if I get rid of enough - I might get new clothes!!! LOL

Have arranged all needed child care. . . so I'm ready!!!!!

See ya soon.