Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm watching Spanish dubbed "In the Line of Fire" to get my ears used to the tempo of Spanish. We'll be enjoying the Yucatan in less than 3 weeks! I've been doing the Rosetta Stone lessons but by watching this movie I can tell it's going to be a challenge... a fun one I hope!

Our 8 day stay will included seeing Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Isla Holbox, Chichen Itza, and the Merida area. We're going with a reservation for a room the 1st night in Playa del Carmen, a backpack a piece, our "Let's Go Mexico" book, a map of the Yucatan, and a rental car! This is monumental for Jack! And he told me he isn't as anxious about this trip as he was about our honeymoon trip to Zihuatanejo! That one was much more structured than this one! Life is an adventure and it's so good that Jack is relaxing in to letting it be that!

But before August 5th we have a day whitewater river trip planned for July 19th, Jack's class reunion in Philomouth and a birthday dinner in Salem with Mike and Caleb on July 25-26!

I have to get Brett's address to get his birthday present to him in Thailand!

My retirement days are full! Hope all is well with all my loved ones out there!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I'm hoping you enjoy your vacation trip with a minimum of stress and no mishaps!! And that the weather cooperates with you. I have as many reservations (if not more) than Jack hehee!! You two are braver than I!