Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Bangkok Thailand in "State of Emergency" is the headline. I'd been watching the hurricaine news with an eye on Vero Beach but now I'm all over the net looking for all the news I can on what is going on in Bangkok and find that the protesters shut down airports in Krabi and Phuket in Southern Thailand as well. Irish newpapers state that the International Schools have shut down for the week and Thai schools will be closed for three days.

Brett teaches at one of the International Schools in Bangkok and Maya teaches in one of the local schools so I'm assuming they have a few days off. Sounds like the trains aren't running, also due to the protesters, so they may not be able to do much with the unexpected free time. I'm anxiously awaiting a reply to my email to Brett asking how this is all effecting them.

When I hadn't gotten a reply by this evening I attempted to make a telephone call to Thailand. All three attempts ended with busy signals. Are they on the phone or am I dialing incorrectly or are the unions doing as the reports stated and disrupting utilities?

Mike had shared with me this weekend that he has called Brett a few times so I called Mike to inquire as to how one correctly dials Thailand. Whew! He'd read a post from Maya this morning on Facebook that they were ok and not in any danger from the protesters.

Now I need to learn how to do Facebook. Or is that another site that parents aren't expected to be on? Like MySpace.com.

Learning is a lifelong task.

1 comment:

Diane said...

or Life is a long learning task!! I have just barley learned the mySpace thing - not planning on going there for Facebook. All we can do is pray for the kids (all of them) in that we just want them to live longer than we do - LOL