Friday, December 26, 2008
We have a white Christmas here! And when the sun is out it is lovely! Saturday before Christmas a bunch of us got together and went snow shoeing out on the Skillet Handle by Klamath Lake. Christmas Eve we gathered again at Nancy and Ed's for dinner and fellowship but the continuous snow cut our evening short. Being 12 miles out on Hwy 140 they get more snow than we do in town and the plows run less often. We were safely home by 7 pm!
The bueaty of life has been reinforced by recent events. I am exceedingly grateful for Jack and I's health, our reasonable financial stability, and my extraordinary sons.
I am so proud of how they work together in times of crisis - no matter what the crisis or the form of support needed. Not only do they come to each others aid in the form of money, but even more importantly, they give each other time, energy, compasssion and companionship!
I don't view myself as having been sucessful in very many aspects of life but the fact that my sons are good to each other and to people in general gives me a sense that I was a good influence as a mother. The proof is in how they are today.
These thoughts and feelings have filled my mind and heart this Christmas and made it rich!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I've always said I wouldn't go any further North because it's to cold up there - so the cold is coming to me! It's a record cold for Klamath Falls! I'm staying in doors but I see lots of cars going by outside so there are many that are braving the outdoors. It's actually warmed up to almost 20 degrees now that it's afternoon.
All the presents are sent out and I'm just sitting back with my crocheting and staying warm! Hope everyone is doing likewise!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Mike and Shiloh have their individually embroidered Angels with Whiskers vests! These dogs are starting to have wardrobes!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
We drove into quite a snow storm on the way home! I guess we timed that trip just right. It has since all melted way but it remains cold most days and snow covers all the mountain peaks around us.
This last weekend we attended a funeral for a friend that lost her battle with heart disease. It was an amazing service. She had planned the music and many aspects of it herself. What struck me was how she could exude love from the casket that set before us! It was very positive and comforting. Jack had known her for 30 years and he said she'd always been that way. Amazing.
That same day Shiloh somehow managed to cut her shoulder! The ten stitches and drain are covered with a very chic looking tee-shirt tied at her mid-rif. Makes me think of aoreobic's teachers every time I look at her! She got used to the tee-shirt fairly quickly but the not being able to run, jump, or fetch anything for two weeks is a different matter. It's been two days and she thinks she is "well". I'm hoping she won't pull the stitches out!
We are going to spend Thanksgiving Day with friends here in Klamath Falls. The boys are going to family dinners in Coquille and Coos Bay.
Traveling to and from Klamath Falls in the winter is always so risky! It's the greatest drawback to living here. Once winter sets in we're pretty isolated.
Later this morning (8 am) I go for a two hour glucose test... again. I told them the results of the one I took a few years ago...that it takes three hours for the "drop" to hit me but they want to do the two hour test anyway. They are testing for diabeties...I have the opposite - hyper-glycemia. Oh well.
Good news is my liver enzymes have almost returned to normal! Jack's are back to normal! We are jazzed about that!
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Rebecca, aka Jean Golddust, lead a revolt against the Govenor when he wouldn't cave in to her blackmail efforts and the Napiers were stripped of their jewels and mystery money. The booty was returned to the pirates - the 'rightful' owners!
Karrin, aka One-Eyed Wanda, had alliances with everyone and even got Jack, aka Cutthroat McPherson, and Judy, aka Gurglin Uma Scarr, to make a blood pact! She really drew blood on their fingers! Alan, aka Buckaneer Bradshaw, had the most outlandish outfit with a nose ring and a huge antique light switch cover on a chain worn as a necklace!
The pirate ship cakes were a surprize for everyone. Several people thought they were just the galley rat on the table!
Commodore Clearing (Brad) won the Men's Best Costume award and Julianna Napier (Cary) was voted Women's Best Costume. Cary and Michael (Mrs. and Govoner Napier) and Karrin ( One-eyed Wanda) took the Most Dramatic award - a three way split! And four people correctly identified the murderer! Tracy, AJ, Carrie, and Rebecca are super slueths!
Friday, October 17, 2008
We've spent a few hours in the yard the last couple of days - getting yard debris raked up and hauled off, pulling up the plants that have frozen and adding them to the compost. I'm sprinkling all the seed from the flower heads throughout the wild flower section...all volunteers will be welcome come Spring!
Last week I got 318 bulbs planted - an assortment of daffodils, tulips, crocus, grape hyacinth, dwarf Iris, Dutch Iris and Puschkinia(Striped Squill). All but about 30 of them went in to the 8" wide by 46' long strip between the chain link fence and our driveway in the front. I am trying the layered thing where supposedly I'll have flowers blooming there from February through June. We'll see...
Today I spent some time setting the guest bedroom up in such a way I can also use it as my "workspace". I've been working on the Angels In Whiskers website on the kitchen table. Between the laptop, printer, folders and papers the table is full... and then it's time for dinner and/or company so it all has to be "put away". Wednesday a girlfriend said she uses her guest room as a "study" where she keeps a desk and can leave projects spread out. What a concept! Dual purpose room! I didn't have to buy a thing! All it took was some rearranging and now I sit infront of the window at my desk/sewing machine creating this blog! Friends are so wonderful!
Just an update on the family - Caleb returned from his rock climbing trip at Smith Rock last weekend safe and sound, Mike is nursing a pulled muscle in his leg and getting grumpy at not being able to "do" anything with this wonderful fall weather, Brett just did a quick trip to Malayasia - stitched foot isn't stopping him! Brett is currently looking for another teaching position in Bangkok. Maya went smoothly from one position to another and is in her second week at the new job! Rod has returned from 6 months at sea and S'te and the kids are estatic to have him home. Diane and Keith are canning up a tuna storm in Coos Bay before they leave for San Diego at the end of the month to visit S'te, Rod and the grandkids.
Life is good!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Today was the second training class for Shiloh and Mike to become "Angels with Whiskers", therapy dogs! It is a local group of people that take their trained dogs to nursing homes, hospitals, libraries, and schools to allow those participants to pet the dogs which work the magic they do to calm and bring some happiness to those that touch them.
Shiloh and I got busted back to basic training. She is young and easily distracted. I am simply uncoordinated! Giving a command, correction, and serving up a treat at the same time is more than I seem to be able to do! Poor Shiloh - she ended up just confused! We get to go to an "extra" class Tuesday morning - a basic obedience class - to give us both a chance to get the hang of all the routines. Mike is just a doll and doesn't need the extra attention.
Last night the temperature dropped to 19 degrees here. Knowing the freeze was coming I spent Friday gathering all the green tomatoes off my plants. The haul was 12 quarts, or a peck and a half, of green tomatoes! Jack and I reviewed Green Tomatoe Relish, Chutney, Pickle and pickled tomatoe reciepies and choose an Uncooked Green Tomatoe Relish to use this wealth of green tomatoes in. We've chopped and diced for two days and now are ready to fill the mixture in pint jars come morning. I hope everyone we know likes Green Tomatoe Relish. We are thinking we'll require all vistors to take a pint with them when they go... otherwise I think 20 pints are going to last YEARS!
Life is full!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Jack and Caleb worked together with ropes, power and hand saws to get the over hanging limbs off the trees we wanted to keep. Then Caleb went to work on the the saplings. Saplings sounds small but most of them were 30 or more feet tall! We got the elms and birch done Thursday. We planned on attacking the willow Friday morning with hopes that it would only take another 2 or 3 hours.
Friday morning plans changed drastically when Caleb got a call from Portland that his roommate was in ICU at OHSU! Tim had been involved in some kind of accident and had suffered brain trama. While I fixed Caleb food for the road he went up in the willow tree and knocked what he could out and then was on his way back to Portland check on Tim in the hospital. The good news is that Tim was released Saturday and it looks like he's going to be ok.
We enjoyed having Hank and Jasmine as much as seeing Caleb! Hank and Mike seemed to remember each other. They wrestled and raced around the yard. Shilo and Jasmine are the same size and temperment - both love to fetch and are mild mannered. I got to take "the pack" for a walk in the Klamath Falls hills and it was a hoot! I'm easily entertained these days!!! Four big dogs streached out on our livingroom floor was a great sight. We had a full house!
Today I got the ground ready for rasberry plants that I'm getting from Fort Klamath tomorrow. Gifts from Leo and Signe. They have a huge rasberry patch at their cabin and are letting me dig up enough to start my own patch! They'll set roots this fall and may even produce berries next July! I'll have strawberries, blueberries and rasberries all from my own back yard next year! So cool!
Waiting now to find out "the rest of the story" from Thailand on stitches either Maya or Brett received Saturday, the 20th...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
We have called in the calvery. Getting that group trimmed down and hauled off took Jack and I three days!
I was feeling pretty embarassed at being so "out of shape" until I remembered we returned from Mexico on August 14th. We were down for 8 more days with dengue fever. So we have only been on our feet for alittle over 2 weeks. That is not very far in to the 12 week recovery period the doctor said we'd experience. I've marked my calendar for the remaining 10 weeks so I won't forget again!
Caleb is coming to help us get the rest of the tree work done! The 6 chinese elm's between our house and the neighbors have to be trimmed so they don't lay on their roof and thinned so the suckers don't break this winter. The willow tree is the really BIG project. Several dead sections need to be cut out!
Prior to the tree project I drove over to Coos Bay and spent a couple days running around Coos County with my sister, Diane. She drove us up to Powers to visit Aunt Nita and Uncle Jimmy. I haven't been on the Powers road for many years... I still don't like it! The visit with Aunt Nita and Uncle Jimmy was great with the added bonus of seeing our cousins Linda and Debbie, who just happened to be there too. Years go by between seeing my Dad's side of the family and I don't even realize it until we get together and catch-up!
This last Saturday we attended the 1st Annual Blues Festival at Veterans Park in Klamath Falls! Can you believe it? Klamath Falls! It was a great day and I was there from 11:30 am to 7 pm! The day could not have been better - blue skies and not to warm! Tommy Castro was the big name band of the day but my favorite, of the 4 bluegrass bands, was the Craig Allen Band - local KF guys.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Brett teaches at one of the International Schools in Bangkok and Maya teaches in one of the local schools so I'm assuming they have a few days off. Sounds like the trains aren't running, also due to the protesters, so they may not be able to do much with the unexpected free time. I'm anxiously awaiting a reply to my email to Brett asking how this is all effecting them.
When I hadn't gotten a reply by this evening I attempted to make a telephone call to Thailand. All three attempts ended with busy signals. Are they on the phone or am I dialing incorrectly or are the unions doing as the reports stated and disrupting utilities?
Mike had shared with me this weekend that he has called Brett a few times so I called Mike to inquire as to how one correctly dials Thailand. Whew! He'd read a post from Maya this morning on Facebook that they were ok and not in any danger from the protesters.
Now I need to learn how to do Facebook. Or is that another site that parents aren't expected to be on? Like
Learning is a lifelong task.