Saturday, January 06, 2007

Shopped until we dropped today - Signe and I hit our favorite stores! I now have a cover or wrap for the three bathing suits I own so I can get to and from the beach and eat at resturants without changing more than adding the cover. I have accepted the fact that I am not likely to develop a body that should stroll down the boardwalk in a bathing suit! :-) I've got all my travel sized lotions etc in the quart zip-lock baggie as required. I'm getting ready!

Jack thinks I'm bueatiful just as I am so I'm not going to get crazy about losing wieght before our trip. If running and excersizing make things better before then that will be great but I'm not going to do any big diets or fasts. It is wonderful to be accepted just as I am!

Tonight Jack is playing poker with the boys at Eric's and I am working on getting his notebook computer updated to XP SP2, watchig Sci-Fi TV, and just relaxing in general. Life is good!

I've resolved to work atleast an hour on learning Spanish. I have a CD that seems pretty good. I am going to work on that now.

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday night!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Lucky you!! I have A bathing suit to spend 4 days on a ship with. I think I have a cover for it - I guess I'd better go look? ? ?

It's getting close!!