Saturday, January 20, 2007

Whew! It is an honor to be asked to share your story at an AA speaker meeting but it is also a challenge! That someone thinks I can help others by sharing my story of recovery is awesome - for so long all I could do it take from others. I told "my story" at the District 17 Breakfast Speakers Meeting this morning.

Going back into what it was like and what happened is so hard. I tend to forget the bad events and feelings - it is the past and a great deal of it was painful. I would like to remember only the good stuff. To be effective I have to be real and that requires going back and reviewing what it was like, what happened, and what it is like now. It is in the telling of how it really was that new people can know that I lived a life just as crazy and chaotic as theirs and when I stopped drinking and starting applying the steps and traditions my life changed and is what it is today as a result of living sober and growing spiritually and emotionally with the AA way of life as my guidelines. The message being if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired there is a way out. If you want what I have you can have it by applying the steps and traditions. It is a miracle but it is one that is available to anyone that truly wants their life to be different... and I really wanted it to be - or I was stepping off the ride.

Now I think there is alot of things I wish I had of shared that I don't think I ddi. Funny how when I'm speaking I don't really remember what I share - I just try to tell the truth and share what comes to mind. I trust God will make what will be helpful come out of my mouth because I say a prayer before I step up to the podium. Lyle taped it and said he'll give me a CD tomorrow - I'll get to listen to it and know what I said then!

We're off to a retirement party for one of Jack's former co-workers now. You know you are getting old when your Saturday parties are held from 1 pm to 3 pm instead of 10 pm to 3 am!

Life is good! Full of friends and activities!

Later this afternoon Signe and I will go for a "jog". My back has been out for a couple of days and I have been sluffing off on running - giving it time to recover from the phisic ball workout at the YMCA on Wednesday morning that through it out. Not doing that routine any more!

Tomorrow there is a Linkville Lopers 5K run out at the Wildlife Habitat that Signe and I want to run. It used to be called the Bald Eagle Run and it was the first Fun Run Signe and I ever did together - that was 10 years ago! I still have the tee-shirt. Since the sign up fee is only $5 tomorrow I don't think there will be tee-shirts this time. It feels good to be signing up for a fun run again. I haven't participated in one for several, several years now.

And so my life goes on! Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your lives - it's the only one you get!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I know that God put the words he thought necessary in your mouth. Not all people need to know all things. If it hurts someone by sharing - then sharing is not the thing to do. Like Keith said a long time ago - if there is no value added by revisiting the issue - don't.

I'm glad you received the honor and I'm sure you did an excellent job of imparting the craziness that we all went thru - not only from our ways but also the ways we were subjected to as we grew into adults.

"The sins of the fathers (or mothers) are visited on the children". My interpretation of one of the verses that I learned many years ago. . . and didn't mind it.

Getting ready yet? ? Excited? ?