Monday, January 22, 2007

Lyle taped my "story" Saturday and gave me the CD of it at the Sunday morning breakfast meeting! He had taken a picture of me and has it burned into the cd! It looks so professional! I got to hear what I said! The timeline was a little jumpy but it was all coherent!

Sunday evening I spent organizing my closet so my work clothes were all in my bedroom walk in closet and that I have enough of them pressed and ready for my 9 work days before Jack and I leave on our honeymoon! Then I went to bed early so I'd be rested for my first day at Jeld-Wen! I don't know what was making noise but I remember about 1 am the house was finally quiet! I said it out loud even! Mike seemed to be restless, he would shake and his tags would rattle, Jack tossed, I know the heater is programmed to go off at 10 pm so that could not have been what was running but I could not seem to get to sleep and stay asleep. I suspect I was a bit anxious about the new job. When the alarm went off at 4:30 am for us to go the gym I told Jack I wasn't going and slept in until 6 am!

Everyone I met today seems very nice and happy with their jobs. The job seems real do-able. It will take me some time to learn all of it but the training period seems reasonable so I'm sure I'll be able to handle the job responsibilities! They had a cubicle all ready for me - login and passwords... very welcoming.

Glasses are going to be a must very quickly though. I'll be shadowing others for a while and I can't see the writing on the screens from the over the shoulder distance with my glasses off or on!

Today was Jack and I's second month aniversary too! Jack fixed a great baked chicken dinner and we are relaxing in front of the TV now. I"m blogging and Jack is surfing or watching multiple shows as he calls it.

I'm sure I'll sleep better tonight!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I'll bet you were exhausted enough to sleep hard!! I'm glad that you feel like you are going to like the position!! It probably was the excitement. I know I always have trouble sleeping the night before we travel!!

It's getting close!!